Today: Feeling a bit down today. I spent several hours going through some of my mother's correspondence last evening, and I'm just missing her. After reading one letter I thought, "I need to ask her about that." I may need to eat cookies...
At my writing desk: This will be one of the I'm-writing-because-it's-my-job days. I know from experience once I get a few sentences written I'll get inspired.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Ernest Hemingway
In the mail: I found handmade Mother's Day cards my sister and I made our Mom. She was in Philadelphia for nursing school. I was five years old. The great thing is that, young as we were, our personalities showed. Melodie cut a beautiful flower garden from a magazine for the front of her card. Me? The girl who at three chased Melodie through the house with a dead rabbit? (There are movies to prove it!) Yep, that girl cut out a running bunny for the front of hers. The letter was sent with a five cent stamp.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Ernest Hemingway
In the mail: I found handmade Mother's Day cards my sister and I made our Mom. She was in Philadelphia for nursing school. I was five years old. The great thing is that, young as we were, our personalities showed. Melodie cut a beautiful flower garden from a magazine for the front of her card. Me? The girl who at three chased Melodie through the house with a dead rabbit? (There are movies to prove it!) Yep, that girl cut out a running bunny for the front of hers. The letter was sent with a five cent stamp.
Praying for: One of my favorite friends. Physical issues are keeping her from enjoying something she's been looking forward to.
Thankful for: A Mother's heritage of encouraging others.
I'm reading: My reading time was almost non-existent this week. I need to dig something up to inspire me -- and get me to Pennsylvania. Reading in the car makes the trip go faster.
Postmarking: I'm still working on this week's list. It's my evening "playtime."