Sunday, 21 February 2016
Postmarks for Children
While we may think writing a letter or sending a card is a small action in light of huge issues, it's amazing what finding a bit of love in an envelope can do.
I wrote notes to five children yesterday. I was surprised how long it took me to complete them. Kids love mail. I don't think they care what it says -- which made me think, Am I writing these for the children or for their parents?
I've created some lists for you to help you write to the children in your life, or those who just need an extra bit of joy -- because that's what it does when a child gets mail -- it brings them joy. When my girls were little, if they got mail they would carry it around all day.
So share some joy with a child this week. Tuck a fun surprise in the envelope and smile -- you just made a child's day!
Monday, 15 February 2016
Can We Outgive God?
Have you ever tried to outgive God? You will never make any progress; it cannot be done. God's Word tells us that if we give, it will be given to us. And not just a half-hearted response -- No, it's good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over!
We used to sing in Sunday School:
Running over, running over, My cup is full and running over.
Since the Lord saved me, I'm as happy as can be.
My cup is full and running over.
I have postmarked a lot of mail since January 1st, but my mailbox (at the end of my driveway) is seeing a lot of action! Last week alone I received a thank-you from a grandson, cards from a team member, a favorite friend, and from someone I admire, as well as a box boxful of unique goodies clear from Japan.
Shannon blogs at On This Glorious Homeschool in memory of her son, Elijah (7), who died in a water-related accident. Shannon sent me 3 sets of Japanese stationery, a notebook, and a travelers journal. Would you say Shannon knows me?
Shannon blogs at On This Glorious Homeschool in memory of her son, Elijah (7), who died in a water-related accident. Shannon sent me 3 sets of Japanese stationery, a notebook, and a travelers journal. Would you say Shannon knows me?
I was blessed with a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over week. I'm humbled and grateful. I feel like the joy I receive encouraging others is a gift, but God always goes over and above...He, gives, and gives, and gives.
Counting Postmarks,
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Postmarked Love Letters
I read your letter and it was the most beautiful thing anybody has ever written to me... Other People's Love Letters by Bill Shapiro
Free Printable Stationary Sheets link below
As with A Sheltering Tree, my daughters and granddaughter are involved in Shelter: Postmarked. Currently, their respective schedules limit their time to write, but they are involved in the brain work.
Postmarked Love Letters is an idea Emily shared, and Melanie helped flesh out. It brings me such joy to see my daughters care for their marriage. Fortunately, they come from a long line of happy marriages, but while that is an influence, good marriages don’t happen without willingness to love unselfishly.
Postmarked Love Letters – February through January – is a way to bless your husband every month. You will use one of the suggestions below (or make your own!) and write a love letter to your husband. If your husband is the one to retrieve your household mail, your letters can be mailed (or placed in the mailbox). If not, select an alternative location -- in his work boot, beside his keys, or on the dashboard of his truck. (And if you’re a husband reading this – prop it by her coffee cup on your way out the door.)
Keep your letters concise and focused, going beyond “I love you” and “Thank you all you do for our family.” I’ve created free printable stationary to use for this project.
1. Giving: He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God (Acts 10:2).
Example: In Melanie’s first letter to Shawn she wrote how he gives to God so generously, allowing her to see how the more he gives the more God blesses their family.
Example: Thank you for having eyes only for me…giving me your special wink…treating me as queen of the room. Thank you for keeping our private life private and special only to us.
3. Fruitful: Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich (Proverbs 10:4).
Example: Thank you for always getting up to go to work. It’s evident in your paycheck you bring home that you care for us and supply us with __________.
4. Thrive: Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong (Ephesians 3:17).
Example: Thank you for taking time to take us to church. Thank you for staying close to God so you can thrive in your personal spiritual life and as the spiritual leader of our home.
5. Strength: I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit (Ephesians 3:16).
Example: Thank you for finding your strength in God, not in worldly vices or in yourself. I love knowing you will stand strong when I am feeling weak.
6. Safeguards: Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Example: Thank you for staying away from situations that would make it easy to give in to temptation. Thank you for wearing the armor of God each day.
7. Grateful: I have not stopped thanking God for you (Ephesians 1:16)
Example: Thank you for being appreciative of what I do for you – cleaning, laundry, etc.
8. Friendship: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Example: I love you, but thank you for making it easy for me to like you, too. I like (digging through antique shops, having a coffee at Starbucks, or taking a walk) with you. You are my best friend.
9. Forgiveness: Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
Example: Thank you for forgiving me when _____________. Thank you for loving me even when ______________.
10. Confidant: Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7).
Example: Thank you for listening to all my dreams, fears, and frustrations – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thank you for never sharing what I confide in you. Thank you for not keeping secrets from me.
11. Optimistic Outlook: A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength (Proverbs 17:22).
Example: Thank you for being cheerful at home. Thank you for choosing to look at the good in our friends and the world.
12. Humor: We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy (Psalm 126:2).
Example: Thank you for making me laugh even on a “bad” day. I love your (silly puns and “teacher” jokes). I love how you find humor in every situation.
13. You: Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance (1 Corinthians 13:7).
Example: Thank you for always being in my corner – never giving up on “us.”
1. Share a memory from dating days.
2. Thank him for something specific he did for you in the last month.
3. Write your vows with, “I would say them all over again.”
4. Tell him how you first knew you loved him.
5. I noticed you did…
6. The most romantic thing you have ever done…
Sample of Stationary: There are twelve different half sheets to use for your letters. Download here: Love Letters Stationary Sheets Let me know if this doesn't download right for you. It does on my computer/printer, but isn't on others. I can send it to you a different way.

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Make My Saturday Sweet Family Friendship and Faith
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Live Free Thursday Thought Provoking Thursday
Shine Blog Hop Thoughtful Thursday From House to Home
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Refused Mail
I was having a little visit with Mrs. Duffy at Letter Matters, when I read that postage used to be paid by the recipient. Mrs. Duffy provided readers with a link to The Guardian and the article: Undelivered letters shed light on 17th-century society. Many of the letter recipients in the late 1600s and early 1700s refused to pay the postage required to receive their mail. These letters were from aristocrats, spies, merchants, publishers, actors and musicians. Either the recipient felt the letters weren’t important enough, or they didn’t have the extra money to retrieve their mail. Today, the sender pays for the mail. The recipient doesn’t pay a cent. Still, there are those who write Refused across their mail without opening it.
In Old Testament days, forgiveness from sins was given when a sacrifice was made. A spotless sacrifice was required and was to be purchased by the sinner. Then Jesus came! The veil of the temple was torn from the top to the bottom. No longer was a blood sacrifice required. Jesus paid for all our sin! Yet even with “pre-paid” sacrifice, many still refuse His gift. I think a refused, unopened letter is sad. But unopened mail from God, written in the blood of Jesus Christ, stamped with “Refused,” goes much deeper than “sad.” Surely this grieves the heart of Jesus, denying potential recipients the greatest friendship one can possibly experience.
Break the seal on your locked heart. Accept the love and sacrifice of God and His Son, Jesus.