Thursday 19 January 2017

Pamela's Daybook: January 19

This week: Monday was a special day for RB and me. Emily (our teacher) and our grandchildren had the school day off. Thinking Melanie probably needed a change of scenery, they all came to lunch. Lunch was tailored to the kids -- Grandma Arnold's sloppy Joes on homemade rolls, mac and cheese, and Bing cherries. It was one of those soul-satisfying visits with books being a big topic. RB, of course, keep them filled with coffee drinks. I heard something about sugar and cinnamon (shudder). 

Looking forward to: Since our families now have grown kids and grandkids, we like to be at our own homes at Christmas. Craig, Melodie, and I decided that we would wait until January to get together. We meet in Walnut Creek and stay at Oak Ridge Inn. My daddy comes, too, and we have a delightful time together.

Thankful for: My father is feeling better. He was so weak and sick last week. He told his doctor, "I have to get better so I can go on vacation." The doctor provided an arsenal of medicine to help him, and each day he is gaining strength.

Praying: I'm praying for a dear friend's son, David. You know if Satan can't get our young people to sin, he traps them into becoming too conscientious about their faith. In a church we used to attend, we had a man who frequently said, "He's a mean old devil." 

At my writing desk: Racing towards my March deadline. Carving out time for blog writing and a bit of "fun" writing. I'm trying to make time for other activities and enjoying family. Hopefully, I can break the habit of feeling like I need to accomplish something every. single. minute. 

I'm reading: A Book! You know, like the ones you can hold in your hands and turn the pages. I went to the library so Melanie would have something different to read as she recuperates -- came home with two huge stacks. I found a Jodi Picoult book from 1995 I haven't read. On my Kindle, I am reading Ann Voskamp's "The Broken Way." It's slow reading because I like to digest her poignant writing style as well as content.

Of Hygge cozy joy: A little five-year-old, cuddled up to me, sleeping by my bed, and giving so much joy! I love teaching him kindergarten and listening to him read.

Favorite Quote:

Wounds are what break open the soul to plant the seeds of a deeper growth. ― Ann Voskamp 
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  1. I'd say not only is he a mean old devil, but a tricksy one at that! Prayer is a weapon we all need at the ready.

    1. Yes, he is. Our prayers to the Father through Jesus is an arrow aimed straight at the enemy's heart! Thank you, Laura, for taking the time to comment on my post.

  2. I prayed for your father as I read this. I do hope he gets well enough for the vacation. Blessings!

    1. Oh Kathleen, thank you for praying for Daddy. He's gaining strength each day -- I can hear it in his voice. The prayers of another one of God's children blesses me!

  3. Hi Pam,
    Great quote from Ann Voskamp. Seems similar to Scripture's discussion of trials - especially in James 1:2-4 - providing spiritual growth. Might not be the way that's easiest or feels best to us, but clearly the way God wants us to grow.

  4. I love the guard your heart picture that you posted. Sounds so easy but in all honest has been one of the hardest things for me to learn along the way. Your perspective on trials was an interesting one, I always think of the scars in my life as a marker to see how far I have come and how much I have changed.
