Monday 1 August 2016

Pamela's Daybook: August 1st

Today: It's Monday, but I haven't found it too Mondayish. The weekend was so great. RB and I had background checks so Emma could spend the night. Jonathon and Emily haven't had a night alone since the week after Thanksgiving. Emma was so excited, and we were, too.

Saturday evening we met some church friends at Commack Station. We sat there 2 1/2 hours having great conversation over yummy food. Our “early” church didn't have choir yesterday, so we only had one church to attend -- which meant a 9:30 leaving time instead of 7:30.

RB is picking Camron up this afternoon to be my buddy while RB is teaching. I have a "cwaft" pirate boat, ice cream bars, and a remote car. My phone is charged, too. BuddyMan has been telling me it was time to play with him -- I'm assuming he means Camron.

At my writing desk:
I picked up a date book that has 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in 1/2 hour divisions. I hope it will help me get more accomplished. So this morning was curriculum. I need to keep those morning hours for curriculum because those are my best hours. If I could just get up at 4:00 like I used to -- but I don't think that's happening!

Praying for: A single mom who has had a hard summer.

Thankful for: Family -- Shawn, Melanie, Ethan, Landon, Morgan and Camron

Emily posted this last week on Facebook:
When (Emma) leaves our home, she may not remember to read her 20 minutes every day, or to wash a dish when she is done with it. She may not decide it's important to write a little bit every day or pick up her toys each night so her room doesn't become an overwhelming mess. But I pray with all my heart that she never forgets this Truth and that she decides every day to share the love that her King has shared with her. I pray she remembers the "Kingdom stuff" and how very much she is loved. ️ 

Jonathon, Emily and Emma (8-year-old foster daughter)

I'm reading: I have "The Pitiful Pirates" out to read to a cute five-year-old this evening. Ha!

Postmarking: We had a long list this week -- many of them children. Love weeks with a lot of addresses, but oh, so many heartbreaking needs.

Favorite quote:
Our family is a circle of strength and love -- with every birth and every union the circle grows. Unknown


  1. That is a sweet family photo with Emma, and I like the note Emily posted for her.

  2. Wonderful photos! Emily's note is adorable! Great style! About your prayer -- I was a single mother for years; it was the most difficult time in my life. Oddly, going to church was even difficult because so much judgement was passed on me. I don't know the specifics, but I will most definitely pray for this woman. No one knows that struggle unless they've truly lived it. Bless her heart.

  3. So sweet! Love the message from Emily; we have had foster children, and that is always our biggest prayer!

  4. I'm postmarking birthday cards to my brother and SIL, and an anniversary card to my parents.
