Today: Today is my mother's birthday. I wonder how they celebrate birthdays in Heaven.
Last week: Celebrating Bee-utiful Corrinna Joy
At my writing desk: Last week I used my mother's chair for my writing desk. I stayed a week with my daddy and was pleased to meet every day's goal. I have fallen in love with the book of Esther again. Sometimes I think I know everything there is to know about a Bible book. Then in studying it, new truths pop up everywhere. I loved researching about the times and customs, and about the God unmentioned.
Praying for: My prayer list grows with the cares and burdens. I sometimes feel like a failure in keeping up with the needs. And then I get reports of prayers answered and my heart is filled with joy. Today I focused on a dear friend of mine. I've never met her, yet she's a sister of my heart. So I was honored to offer prayers for her and her family to my Heavenly Father through the name of His son, Jesus Christ.
Thankful for: Dentists, Jersey Mike's, the License Branch, my chauffeur RB, and the promised prayers of Melanie and Emily.
Around the House: You can smell the fall candle, and from where I am sitting I can see the flowers Emily brought me in memory of her grandma -- purples with a big yellow sunflower. "Healthy colors because that's what Grandma would have chosen."
I'm reading: I just received Marilyn Feinberg's "Flourish" in the mail. The cover is amazing. It's a 52-week devotional with coloring pages. My friend, Sue, shared Marilyn Feinberg with me, and I've become an avid follower. This is the book I would have gifted to my mother for her birthday.
Postmarking: We've been encouraging pastor's wives the last few weeks. If your pastor's wife needs encouraged, drop me her name and address in my Facebook message box: Pamela Cessna Kuhn. (We don't want their addresses floating around.)
Favorite quote: We flourish when we pursue the life God intends. Marilyn Feinberg
I love the quote. I also love books and haven't read anything by Ms. Marilyn. I will have to find a book of hers online.