Monday, 23 May 2016

Pamela's Daybook: May 23

Today: It's a Barnes and Noble and Michael's day! 

At my writing desk: Three hours of curriculum, daybook, and a chapter in another project. Also some promotion of my blogs.

In the mail: I got several pieces of happy mail last week. I had one envelope with teeny tiny writing that made me smile. I knew without looking it was from my sweet sister!

Praying for:  The Knuth family who lost a son in a motorcycle accident yesterday.

Thankful for: A good private school my grandkids can attend. Last Thursday I attended their graduation/awards night. The kids do so well in their studies.

I'm reading:  Oh my, y'all will just laugh when you hear what I've been reading.  This girl who won't read fantasy or time travel, etc. just read a book that included gnomes and giants. I was too far into the book when they popped up. Most of you will know why "Piano Girl" spoke my name. Plus, it was free. I was halfway through when it said Part One was finished and I could purchase Part Two. For real?!! Yep--for real. I was thankful for Amazon Prime that let me read it for free.

Postmarking: There are so many hurting people on our list this week. I'll start sending cards from the list tonight. You, my dear readers, are welcome to join our team or send the address of anyone you think needs some encouragement -- kids through adults.

Favorite quote: 
 Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. Mother Teresa


  1. Aww, "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." Absolutely! Wishing you a joyful day today. :)

  2. I saw that Piano Girl book, too! Sounds like it might be a good read. Glad I snagged it, so now I just have to read it. :)

  3. You went to barnes & noble and then Michaels and still had time to do other things! Amazing... those stores take up my whole day, I just wander around forever.

  4. I love sending cards to people, it's almost a 'lost art' and I know it lifts my spirits when someone sends me 'snail mail'
