Monday 20 June 2016

Pamela's Daybook: June 20th

Today: It's Monday! I'm not sure what happens to a house on Sunday, but everywhere I look seems to have something I need to take care of. I haven't done much about it yet. 

At my writing desk: Started out with curriculum. Abraham's story is so amazing. Just imagine feeding God and His angels! I can imagine being Sarah, snickering in the tent when visitors told RB I was having a child. And I'm not close to ninety!

Praying for: A young mother, Ashley. Ashley has triplets and they just found out one of them has a blood disease. I'm praying for healing for Lexi.

Thankful for: RB -- Breakfast is his, lunch is mine. Today he fixed both meals so I could get a project done. 

I'm reading: I have stacks of books in my office. In our quest for simplifying and downsizing, I've been going through the bookcases and dividing books to sell online or in a yard sale. Many of the books have been sitting on my shelves for years. I love books, but also love our quest for having more time for our goals instead of taking care of "stuff." 

Postmarking: I got my letters in under the mark this week. When I began this ministry, I had no idea of the blessings that would be returned. I hope our team members receive an extra armload of blessings, too. Our list is short this week, although I did get some new addresses today.  

Favorite quote:  Every time you say goodbye to  something you don't need, you breathe a little deeper. Melissa Michaels 

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